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Showing posts from November, 2017

Reaction Paper: FIT Trip

Before the Thanksgiving break, my photography class was given the opportunity to visit the Fashion Institute Of Technology campus in New York City. Myself and a couple students decided to take an early train to do some exploring in the city before the tour started in an effort to capture some interesting street photography, and it was as one of us had an interesting run-in with a homeless man they were photographing, I hope it develops into an interesting image. We arrived at the campus and signed in and greeted each other as we waited for the tour to start, it was a nice looking campus and there was a great opportunity to see the photography students at work as they were setting up an installation of some of there works as we were waiting. We were greeted by our guide Brad Paris who is one of the photography professors at the school, as we walked to the photography section we can see the other classes and all the works that were presented from students from advertisements to ...

Gear Review: Magmod Professional Flash Kit

I recently purchased the Magmod professional flash kit on eBay as I didn't have much to work with other than a cheap softbox and in one shoot it showed that it was definitely worth the money. This professional flash kit comes with a Magsphere, Maggrid, Magbounce, Maggel and creative and color correcting gels. Its name says it all, everything connects to your flash with magnets which is extremely efficient and convenient as you can quickly swap out the different attachments quickly or combine for dramatic effects, like the Maggrid and the Magsphere were the most used in this shoot and made images that could not have been reproduced any other way without post-processing so it saves time editing as well as getting creative images. the whole kit comes with a rubber mount that can attach to almost any flash head so for any photographer, it is definitely worth it to invest in good flash modifiers.

Salem MA

A few weeks ago I took a trip to Salem Massachusetts on Friday the 13th weekend and it was a trip to remember. it's a beautiful town but it still looming with its dark history, as it is well documented, this is where the Salem witch trials of 1692 took place. Memorial stones have been made of the 19 hanged accusers and Giles Corey who was crushed to death on accusations of witchcraft. It seems that especially in the month of October the whole town gets involved and has turned this tragedy into a tourist attraction with merch and museums as far as the eye can see, townfolk and tourist alike get dressed up and run around the town and it makes for a truly memorable and worthwhile trip. This town is also the scene of a cult classic movie Hocus Pocus as a lot of the scenes were shot in Salem and you can visit your favorite spots from the movie and they are all walking distance from each other and feel the nostalgia seeping out of these buildings...